Hiding Behind Social Networks!

01/16/2014 21:26


So, last night I was watching vines on Facebook, and came across so many ignorant, obnoxious and just ludacrisly racist comments. From all races, and last time I checked we live in 2014. We came a long way from Segregation based upon the color of our skin. Yet,  I believe we are among the last of the few countries that still discriminate against race, sexuality, religion, or gender. Is it so hard to just get with the times and live peacefully. We are all doomed if we leave our future in the hands of people who cannot just coexist happily and peacefully. If blacks decide that certain charecteristics are catgorized in acting Black, they are stereotyping themselves, same with Hispanics, and Asians and all races. I see most of this happening on social networking sites.   So because I anounciate my words I automatically am talking "White"?  ~OR~ Am I speaking PROPER ENGLISH? We are stuck hiding behind stereotypes that we created ourselves  or continue to reminesce and continue to create till this day.

just some food for thought,
