Finding Truthz.

01/23/2014 22:28


This is 100% a Deerdrah JDT Original so please enjoy and do not plagirize thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



~Living on a giant boat to avoid being captured by ravenous, alien animals, is not all it is cracked up to be. Gathering from everything that I heard, there are only five other boat camps out there. Only designed to carry, 438,260,000 people each. Women and children were boarded first, then the men with the most to contribute to the community. Lastly, were the sick and the disabled. I never asked to be on this big stupid boat. The day that the animals got sick I was running away from my home. I got to the boat alone, and never heard from my parents again.~ 


It was crazy how many rooms they were able to fit on this boat. I have one roommate, that I have only seen three times, our room is so big. There are enough for 438,259,998 more people. I picked a plump grape from the vine, and continued to the lobby. I was supposed to meet Sasha, Jacky, Daniel, Darren and Erick so that we can talk about our futures.  

To be frank our group was torn, between staying on the boat or going onto the lands and finding our parents. Everyone in sector D were orphans, I never told them the truth about why I was found alone on the lands. No one asked either. So today we are going to cast our final votes, and I sway in either way to be honest. 

"Merci, are you ready?" Erick was asking me through the intercom.  

"Uh. Yeah be right out." I said looking in the mirror before opening the entrance wall. I pressed the open button and, the wall disintegrated and on the other side Erick was waiting for me, with the biggest smile I had seen on his since I first met him 4 years ago.  

"Let's go, I'll race you!" He said running and looking back at me. I let out a giggle and raced after him.  

After racing down eleven flights and through five halls we made it to sector D's lobby. I sat in the usual corner in the usual yellow beanbag chair. My favorite spot on this whole god forsaken boat.  

"Want some coffee Mers?" I shook my head and smiled. 

"Please and thank you." I said. He put his hand in his hair and blushed, before walking away. I absolutely adored when he did that it made my whole world come crashing into my chest. I looked out at the horizon. one that if we chose to explore would mean for us to never be able to return to this boat. People are always happy to take the place of someone naïve enough to leave the Big Boat Camps to find something better. However like I said, I don’t care either way. I know what Erick wants, he wants to stay, and just live how we have been so far. But we made a pact 4 years ago to stick together no matter what. So, majority rules.  

I would follow all of these people to the ends of the earth. When we first met we all connected like none of the others. We support one another no matter what may happen between us.  

Erick came back with two cups of coffee. I took a sip and put the cup on the coffee table in front of me.  

"How much work did you have to put in to earn these?" I asked. We all work for everything on this boat especially Erick, he works more than anyone I have ever met. I have to work about 14 hours a day to afford living with a roommate. Erick lives alone and spends his money on others and still manages to live on the top floor.  

"Not much." he said settling on the blue beanbag. "Man where is everyone? I have to start my shift at the cafeteria soon." Darren and Daniel both lived together, because they were twins. They get girls to provide for them and only work every once in awhile, so I don’t understand why they are late.